Build Guide¶
Although vortex supports CMake, its many dependencies make it somewhat cumbersome to build. This guide attempts to ease the difficulty in building vortex.
If you only plan to use vortex via Python (and do not need to run a C++ debugger), use of a binary wheel is strongly recommended over setting up your own build.
See the Step-by-Step Guide for step-by-step instructions for building with vcpkg and Visual Studio 2022.
Build Options¶
vortex’s build options are controlled exclusively through CMake flags. There are flags that tailor the build to available dependencies, that enable vortex-specific features, and support debugging.
Dependency Control¶
): Provide support for AlazarTech digitizers.WITH_ALAZAR_GPU
): Provide support for AlazarTech digitizers using their proprietary CUDA support. This option is not recommended as vortex provides its own CUDA support at a comparable performance level, at least in preliminary testing.WITH_TELEDYNE
): Provide support for Teledyne digitizers.WITH_CUDA
): Use CUDA for nVIDIA GPU-accelerated OCT processing. This option is strongly recommended.WITH_DAQMX
): Provide support for signal I/O using National Instruments DAQmx-compatible modules.WITH_FFTW
): Use FFTW for fast Fourier transforms, primarily in the CPU OCT processor.WITH_HDF5
): Provide support for the MATLAB v7.3 file format.WITH_IMAQ
): Provide support for acquisition using National Instruments IMAQ-compatible cameras.WITH_PYTHON
): Build Python bindings.WITH_REFLEXXES
): Enable time-optimal scan trajectory generation with the Reflexxes library. If this option is disabled, scan generation is not available. This option is strongly recommended.
Feature Control¶
): Build C++ demo applications.ENABLE_BUILD_PYTHON_WHEEL
): On Python-enabled builds, generate a binary wheel that installs vortex. The wheel will be deposited in the build output folder alongside the vortex library.ENABLE_INSTALL_PYTHON_WHEEL
): If the Python wheel is built as above, automatically install the wheel into the current Python environment.ENABLE_DEPENDENCY_PACKAGING
): If the Python wheel is built as above, binary dependencies of vortex are analyzed after the build and packaged alongside vortex. This helps reduce the burden of installing vortex in simple deployment scenarios (i.e., those that do not provide binary dependency management).ENABLE_OUT_OF_TREE_PACKAGING
): By default, only binary dependencies within the vortex root directory are packaged if dependency packaging in enabled. This helps avoid deploying closed-source libraries in the wheel. It is thus recommended to clone vcpkg into the vortex root folder so that the dependencies that it provides are automatically packaged. Turn on this option to include all non-system binary dependencies in the wheel.ENABLE_MODULAR_BUILD
): Isolate functionality for specific hardware (e.g., AlazarTech digitizer) in its own shared library. This enables dynamic loading of driver- or runtime-specific functionality and avoids the need to compile vortex for every specific combination of hardware. Modular building is strongly recommended for building Python wheels as the bindings include support for dynamically exposing bindings based on detected hardware.
Debugging Support¶
): Synchronize the GPU withcudaDeviceSynchronize
after every CUDA kernel launch for debugging purposes. This option may adversely affect performance and is not recommended for regular use. Python modules compiled with this flag report theserial_cuda_kernels
): Surround all callback invocations in vortex withtry
blocks to handle exceptions. Turn off this option to propagate exceptions in callbacks to the debugger for debugging purposes. This option is strongly recommended for regular use. Python modules compiled with this flag report theexception_guards
): Allow pybind11 to enable link-time optimization and, on MacOS and Linux, strip symbols from the Python module. Turn off this option to faciliate debugging, especially on MacOS and Linux. This option is strongly recommended for regular use. Python modules compiled with this flag report thepybind11_optimizations
The vortex Python bindings will emit warnings if any of these options are left in their non-recommended state.
Open Source via vcpkg¶
All of vortex’s open source dependencies are available in vcpkg with use of the ports overlay included in the .vcpkg directory.
Component |
Packages |
CMake Option |
core |
scan generation |
CPU OCT processor |
Python bindings |
MATLAB v7.3 file support |
C++ demos |
CUDA is also a closed-source dependency.
Closed Source¶
The closed source-dependencies are provided by installers from the developer. vortex will detect standard installation locations or you can provide a search path hint.
Component |
Installer |
CMake Option |
Search Path Hint |
Alazar card support |
Alazar CUDA library |
Teledyne card support |
CUDA runtime |
DAQmx I/O |
IMAQ camera support |
If ATS-GPU-BASE is used, vortex will let Alazar manage data movement to the GPU. If ATS-SDK is used, vortex will handle data movement itself. The performance between using ATS-SDK and ATS-GPU-BASE is comparable in preliminary testing.
Installation of the closed source dependencies on Linux is somewhat more nuanced than it is on Windows.
The headers and drivers are installed via separate packages.
$ sudo dpkg -i libats_X.Y.Z_amd64.deb $ sudo dpkg -i ats-devel_X.Y.Z_amd64.deb
The headers and drivers are installed via separate packages.
$ sudo dpkg -i libadq0_2023.2_amd64.deb $ sudo dpkg -i spd-adq-pci-dkms_1.23_all.deb
Many Linux distributions can install CUDA support using their package managers.
$ sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
Make sure to activate the corresponding NVIDIA graphics driver.
The main package adds a repository to the system manager.
$ sudo dpkg -i ni-ubuntu2004firstlook-drivers-stream.deb
The following setups are required to actually install the headers and drivers.
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install ni-daqmx $ sudo dkms autoinstall
You may need to install the headers for your kernel in order for the NI kernel modules to build.
Due to a known issue with DAQmx on Linux, you may need to add
to your kernel command line.
Build Systems¶
vortex is compatible with any build system that CMake supports. Examples for common build systems are provided below. The continuous integration scripts are based on the vcpkg example below.
Visual Studio 2022¶
Visual Studio 2022 can directly build vortex using the included CMakePresets.json
Make sure to install your dependencies with vcpkg first.
If you used vcpkg for dependencies, make sure CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE
points to the correct path.
By default, vortex expects to find vcpkg in ./build/vcpkg
Make sure to install Clang/LLVM support for Visual Studio.
Building vortex with the MSVC compiler may produce an internal compiler error.
CMake and vcpkg¶
This example illustrates how to build and install vortex from a PowerShell prompt using clang-cl.
It is assumed that Python has already been installed and is available on the path.
These commands may be run within a Python virtual environment.
The build is configured to include debug symbols.
After cloning vortex, customize the build by creating CMakeUserPresets.json
or editing CMakePresets.json
in vortex’s source tree.
# clone vortex and vcpkg
> git clone
> git clone --depth 1 --branch 2023.08.09 vortex/build/vcpkg
# build vcpkg dependencies
> .\vortex\build\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -disableMetrics
> .\vortex\build\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe --clean-after-build --triplet=x64-windows --overlay-ports=vortex\.vcpkg install fmt spdlog xtensor[tbb,xsimd] reflexxes cuda xtensor-python pybind11 hdf5[cpp]
# install Python dependencies
> $Python = (Get-Command python).Path
> & $Python -m pip install -r vortex/requirements.txt
# build and install vortex
> cmake -S vortex -B vortex/build/win-x64-release --preset clang-win-x64-release
> cmake --build vortex/build/win-x64-release
This example illustrates how to build and install vortex on Ubuntu 22.04.
It is assumed that closed-source dependencies have been installed into standard locations.
After cloning vortex, customize the build by creating CMakeUserPresets.json
or editing CMakePresets.json
in vortex’s source tree.
# install OS packages
$ sudo apt install curl zip unzip tar pkg-config cmake ninja-build clang patchelf python3 python3-pip
# clone vortex and vcpkg
$ git clone
$ git clone --depth 1 --branch 2023.08.09 vortex/build/vcpkg
# build vcpkg dependencies
$ ./vortex/build/vcpkg/ -disableMetrics
$ ./vortex/build/vcpkg/vcpkg --clean-after-build --overlay-ports=.vcpkg install fmt spdlog xtensor[tbb,xsimd] reflexxes cuda xtensor-python pybind11 hdf5[cpp]
# install Python build requirements
$ pip3 install -r vortex/requirements.txt
# configure and build
$ cmake -S vortex -B vortex/build/clang-linux-x64-release --preset clang-linux-x64-release
$ cmake --build vortex/build/clang-linux-x64-release
The curl
, zip
, unzip
, tar`
, and pkg-config
packages are required for vcpkg.
The cmake
, ninja-build
, clang
, and patchelf
are required for vortex’s build system.
The python3
and python3-pip
packages are required for Python support with vortex.
Python Setup Script¶
vortex’s Python setup script (
) executes the CMake/vcpkg compilation procedure above.
If you plan to use vortex exclusively from Python, the instructions in Python from Source are recommended.
The continuous integration system uses this approach to create the pre-compiled Python wheels.
Step-by-Step Guide¶
This step-by-step guide walks through the process for building vortex on Windows. A similar process applies to Linux.
1. Clone vortex¶
> git clone
2. Clone vcpkg¶
> git clone --depth 1 --branch 2023.08.09 vortex\build\vcpkg
3. Build vcpkg¶
> .\vortex\build\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -disableMetrics
Turn off telemetry (-disableMetrics
) if desired.
4. Install vortex Dependencies¶
> .\vortex\build\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe --triplet=x64-windows --overlay-ports=vortex\.vcpkg install fmt spdlog xtensor[tbb,xsimd] reflexxes cuda xtensor-python pybind11 hdf5[cpp]
Remove or adjust dependencies based on your needs.
5. Install Python¶
Official Distribution¶
Simply download and install a 64-bit version of Python 3.
Make sure that setuptools
and wheel
packages are available if you into to build a binary wheel.
> pip install -r vortex/requirements.txt
Thrid-Party Distribution¶
You may install Python with Miniconda or the larger Anaconda.
Make sure to choose a 64-bit version of Python 3.
Also, make sure that setuptools
and wheel
packages are available if you into to build a binary wheel.
If you do install Python with this approach, make sure to launch your build system from within the conda environment.
The example below shows how to create a conda environment, activate it, and launch Visual Studio 2022 from within the environment.
> conda create --name vortex
> conda activate vortex
> pip install -r vortex/requirements.txt
> & "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
6. Build vortex¶
If you are using Visual Studio 2022, you may now use the menu option File > Open > CMake… to browse and select CMakeLists.txt
in the vortex root folder.
The included CMakePresets.json will automatically configure your project correctly for most users.
To customize the CMake options, use Project > Edit CMake Presets for vortex.
You may wish to add your own CMakeUserPresets.json for further configuration, such as to specify that path to your Python installation.
Next, select the desired build configuration from the toolbar, configure the project with Project > Configure vortex, and build.