Live View Dynamic¶
This demo illustrates how to change fundamental scan parameters on the fly, most notably the scan shape.
When the scan shape is changed, downstream buffers that are used for formatting and displaying the scan must also be resized, but not exactly until the change takes place.
This demo uses the Event
marker to schedule a callback precisely when the new scan shape propagates through vortex’s pipeline.
When running the demo, the user can change the scan shape and move the scan center interactively using the keyboard.
The introduction of new markers is planned to reduce the complexity required for scan resizing.

Initial scan resolution.¶

Scan resolution dynamically increased.¶

Scan resolution dynamically decreased.¶
Queueing Callbacks with Events¶
def handle_event(sample, eid):
handler = self._handlers.pop(eid, None)
if handler:
self._stack_tensor_endpoint.event_callback = handle_event
def handle_keypress(e):
mapping = {
Qt.Key_Right: ( 0, -1),
Qt.Key_Left: ( 0, 1),
Qt.Key_Up: ( 1, 0),
Qt.Key_Down: (-1, 0),
if delta := mapping.get(e.key()):
config = self._raster_scan.config
config.offset += delta
self._raster_scan.change(config, False)
config = self._radial_scan.config
config.offset += delta
self._radial_scan.change(config, False)
if e.key() == Qt.Key_I:
config = self._raster_scan.config
config.bscans_per_volume += 50
def h(eid):
tensor = self._stack_tensor_endpoint.tensor
with tensor:
orig_shape = tensor.shape
shape = orig_shape[:]
shape[0] = config.bscans_per_volume
print(eid, tensor.shape)
eid = self._next_handler_id
self._next_handler_id += 1
# print(eid, config.bscans_per_volume)
self._handlers[eid] = h
self._raster_scan.change(config, False, eid)
elif e.key() == Qt.Key_F:
config = self._raster_scan.config
config.bscans_per_volume = max([ config.bscans_per_volume - 50, 50 ])
def h(eid):
tensor = self._stack_tensor_endpoint.tensor
with tensor:
orig_shape = tensor.shape
shape = orig_shape[:]
shape[0] = config.bscans_per_volume
print(eid, tensor.shape)
eid = self._next_handler_id
self._next_handler_id += 1
# print(eid, config.bscans_per_volume)
self._handlers[eid] = h
self._raster_scan.change(config, False, eid)